Evtim (10 out of 10 ) One of the greatest movies with the slighest hickups from a scripter point of view.
inceptor (10 out of 10 ) I have read the whole script to improve my English It was quite well written. Reading it was just like watching it.
kurolayefah (10 out of 10 ) Pretty captivating script. Enjoyed reading the whole thing. Despite watching the movie this proved quite enlightening.
Vasmaxiro (9 out of 10 ) My ambition was to become a Film maker and a writer, but I don't know anything about how to make movie, how to write a script etc. So I start reading scripts, so far I have read more than full scripts of 15 movies, among those Inception is a great writing in my opinion, each and every scene is written with mind-blowing techniques.
Adriano Oliveira Lima (10 out of 10 ) The origin movie is one of my favorite movies and I go back to see it every now and then and I always notice something different about it. The first time I saw this movie and I wanted to know how it was written and thanks to the internet today we have the possibility to read the script of a movie... Now I save it to read the script of the movie Tennet. Christopher Nolan is a genius